martes, 30 de junio de 2020

Guide No. 10 Idioma Extranjero II

8th Grade
English Course
Mrs. Mariela Lucas
Guide No. 10

Instructions:  Copy the following grammar in the notebook, and make exercises of the book pages 39, 41, 42, 43.

The Simple Past of Be.

·         Use the simple past of be to talk about states or situation that are finished.

I was tired last night

·         There are two forms of be in the simple past:  was and were

·         Use was with I, he, she, it.  Use were with you, we and they

I / He / She / It was cold

You / We / They were cold

·         In informal writing and speaking, use the contractions wasn’t and weren’t  in negative statements and short answers.

              They weren’t at school.
               Were they at school?
               Yes they were.   No they weren’t .

·         Use past time phrases like yesterday, last night, and last month with simple past statements with be.
I was at the movies last night.

                We were in Mexico last month.               

The Simple Past, Regular Verbs

·         Use the simple past to talk about a complete action in the past.

·         Past-time expression such as yesterday last month, last night, and last week are frequently used with the simple past.

We enjoyed the concert last night

·         Today, this morning and this afternoon can be used with the simple past if they mean “before now”

                                   I walked to school this morning

·         For negative statement in the simple past, used  did not  (didn’t)  + the base form of the verb. 

                                   They didn’t like the movie.

Regular Verbs

·         To form the simple past of many regular verbs, add –ed to the base form of the main verb.
                       work  =  worked
                       play   =  played

·         If the verb ends in a consonant + -y, replace –y with –i and add –ed.

                                   carry = carried
                                   study = studied

·         If the verb ends in –e add –d

                             arrive = arrived
                             invite =  invited

·         If a one-syllable verb ends in a consonant, a vowel, and a consonant (CVC), double the last consonant and add –ed

                                   tap =      tapped
                                    shrug =  shrugged             


·         The simple past form of irregular verbs varies.  You should memorize them.

Las night I went to my favorite restaurant.

She heard a noise.

There is a list of Irregular Verbs, you should to learn them.   There are almost 200, but you only have these.  You can look in the dictionary and look the list of verbs are.

1.                                 be                   was were
2.                                 begin               began
3.                                 bring               brought
4.                                 buy                 bought
5.                                 catch              caught
6.                                 choose            chose
7.                                 come              came
8.                                 do                   did
9.                                 drink               drank
10.                               eat                  ate
11.                               fall                   fell
12.                               feel                 felt
13.                               find                 found
14.                               get                  got
15.                               give                 gave
16.                               go                   went
17.                               hate                hate
17.                               have               had
19.                               know               knew
20.                               leave               left
21.                               make              made
22.                               read                read
23.                               say                  said
24.                               see                  saw
25.                               sit                    sat
26.                               sink                 sank
27.                               sleep               slept
28.                               speak              spoke
29.                               take                took
30.                               teach              taught
31.                               tell                   told
32.                               think                thought
33.                               win                  won
34.                               wear               wear
35.                               write                wrote

Negative Form

·         For negative statements in the simple past, use did (as the auxiliary like do/does in present, but it is in past) not  + the base for of the verb.

They didn’t like the movie.

ü  Notice that the verb is in present, because the past is in the auxiliary. 

·         The word order in Yes / No questions is:
Did  +  subject  +  the base form of a main  + complement

Did                   it                   work?


ü  Notice that the auxiliary Did is the same for all the subject pronouns.

·         Use did  or didn’t in short answers.

Did she eat lunch?                                        Yes, she did.
Did they go to the sports complex?               No, they didn’t


·         In information questions about the subject, the word order is:  Question word  +  the simple past form

·         In other information question, the word order is:

Question word  +  did  +   subject    +   the base form of a verb  +  complement  +  ?

Question word            Did                  Subject           Base form of the verb                       Complement

            Where                                                                         I                    put                        my phone ?
            How often                                                               you                    call                         her?       
            Who                                        did                             he / she            see ?
            What                                                                          it                     look                       like?
            When                                                                         we                   eat               lunch?              
            Why                                                                           they                go                      to the park?

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