miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020

Idioma Extranjero III

9th Grade
Mrs. Mariela Lucas
Guide 8

Instructions:  Copy the following reading twice and translate once and answer the question and What’s the Order?


Maria Gomez was born in Peru.  She grew up in a small village.  She began school when she was six years old.  She went to elementary school, but she didn’t go to high school.  Her family was very poor, and she had to go to work when she was thirteen years old.  She worked on an assembly line in a shoe factory.

When Maria was seventeen years old her family moved to the United States.  First they lived in Los Angeles, and then they moved to San Francisco.  When Maria arrived in the United States, she wasn’t very happy.  She missed her friends back in Peru, and she didn’t speak one word of English.  She began to study English at night, and she worked in a factory during the day. 

Maria studied very hard.  She learned English, and she got a good job as a secretary.  Maria still studied at night, but now she studies advertising at a business school.  She wants to work for an advertising company some day and write commercials.

Maria still misses her friends back home, but she communicates with them very often over the Internet.  She´s very happy now, and she’s looking forward to an exciting future.


What’s the Answer?

1.  Where was Maria born?

2.  Did she grow up in a large city?

3.  When did she begin school?

4.  What happened when Maria was seventeen years old?

5.  Why was Maria unhappy when she arrived in the United States?

6.  What is Maria’s occupation?

7.  What does she want to do in the future?

8.  How does Maria communicate with friends back home?

What’s The Order?

Put these sentences in the correct order based on the story.

____    Maria’s family moved to the United States.
____    Maria studies advertising now.
____    Maria grew up in a small village.
____    Maria’s family moved to San Francisco.
____    Maria worked in a shoe factory.
____    Maria began to study English at night
____    Maria went to elementary school.
____    Maria’s family lived in Los Angeles
____    Maria got a job as a secretary. 

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