lunes, 22 de junio de 2020

Idioma Extranjero II Guía 9

9th Grade
English Course
Mrs. Mariela Lucas
Guide No. 9


1.  Copy the grammar page 30

2.  Progress check, look at the pictures and prompts, then make sentences, as in the example.  Page 31

3.  Read the dialogue and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.  Then in pairs, act out similar
     dialogues about yourselves.   Page 31

4.  Let’s answer these questions.  Page 31

5.  Order and make the sentences.  Page 32
6.  Some noun can be either count or non count.  Read each sentence.  Look at the underline word.  If the
     word is a count noun, write C on the line.  If the word is a non count noun, write NC.  Page 32

7.  Think to fourteen things you find in a supermarket.  Then put them into two groups.   Page 32

8.  Fill in SOME, ANY, MUCH, MANY, A FEW OR A LITTLE.  Then, act out similar dialogues using the
     prompts below.  Page 32

9.  Underline the correct word.  Page 33

10.  Complete the sentences with MUCH or MANY  page 33

11.  Underline the correct sentences in present progressive.  Page 33

12.  Complete the sentences with a FEW or a LITTLE.  Page 33

13.  Write a paragraph about what is on the table.

14.  Complete the letter with the appropriate form of the verb.  Page 34

15.  Look at the chart to write about some of Mr. Nelson’s likes and dislikes.  Page 34


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