lunes, 22 de junio de 2020

Idioma Extranjero I, Guía 9

7th Grade
English Course
Mrs. Mariela Lucas
Guide No. 9


1.  Copy the grammar Cardinal Numbers page 27.

2.  Write the number 1 to 1,000 in sheet of paper with lines, size legal.  When you write 100 one hundred, start    
     100 by 100.

3.  Write the numbers in letters page 27

4.  Complete the puzzle with the numbers . page 27

5.  Write the word or number page 28

6.  Write the next number in the sequence. Page 28

7.  Find the numbers.  Page 28

8.  Write the quantities. Page. 28

9.  Read Mariana’s address book.  Page 29

10.  Match the columns page 29

11.  True or false?  Are the phone numbers correct?  Page 29

12.  Complete the sentences page 30.  With the questions, how old are you?  or How old is he/she? And
       complete the answers according to the pictures with the name and age.

13.  Fill the blanks to complete the dialogue.   Page 30

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