miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020

Guía 4, Idioma Extranjero II

Part 1

Instructions:  Read the following statement and then complete the sentences.  Attach this guide in the folder with the guide 1,2,3.


·         Some  and any are used to express indefinite quantities.

I have some pears.

Do you have any pencils?

·         Some is normally used before count nouns in the plural or non count.

I have some candy for you.

Who wants some jelly beans?

·         Some is used to offer something or make polite requests. 

Would you like some tea?

Could I have some water, please?

·         Any is used with plural count nouns and non count nouns.  It is normally used in questions and negative sentences. 

Are there any eggs in the fridge?

There isn’t any sugar in the coffee.        

Now complete the sentences.

1.         Martha always eats ____________fruit for breakfast.
2.         I’m a vegetarian.  I don’t eat ____________meat.
3.         Is there _____________ milk in the refrigerator?
4.         Do you want ____________lemon in your tea?
5.         I need to buy ____________food; I don’t have __________any fruit or vegetables.
6.         Do you have ____________ mineral water?
7.         Is there ___________sugar in that soda?
8.         I’d like ___________eggs, but I don’t want __________bacon.
9.         Would you like __________salt or catsup on your French fries?
10.       I don’t want _____________ ice cream, but I’d like to try __________frozen yogurt.

Part 2



·         A lot of is used with count and non count nouns to talk about a large amount or a large number.

There is a lot of food on the table.

There is a lot of apples

·         A little is used with non count nouns.

There is a little milk in the cartoon.

There is a little jam on the bread.

·         A few is used with count nouns to talk about a small amount or a small number.

There are a few oranges in the basket.

There are a few grapes in the fridge.

·         Not much  is used with non count nouns.

There is not much coffee

There is not much butter.

·         Not many is used with count nouns to talk about a small amount or a small number.

There aren’t many potatoes.

Now complete the sentences

1.         I need _____________ sugar to make a cake.
2.         Do they want ____________catsup on their fries?
3.         Can you get me ______________apples and ___________oranges juice?
4.         I’d like tea with _______________ cream and sugar, please.
5.         Do you like _______________vegetable soup?
6.         There are ________________hot dogs, but there aren’t any hamburgers.
7.         They’re having____________ cups of coffee with their dessert.
8.         There are ________________eggs in the basket.
9.         Do you want _______________ jam on your bread?
10.       There is _______________ice cream in the freezer.

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