lunes, 27 de julio de 2020

Idioma Extranjero III, Guide 14

9th Grade
English Course
Mrs. Mariela Lucas
Guide No. 14

Instructions:  Copy the reading twice, and translate once.  

Very good friends:  East and west

Erick and Susan are very good friends.  They grew up together, they went to high school  eNew Jersey.  Even though they live far apart, they’re still very good friends.

They write to each other very often.  He writes her letters about life on the West Coast, and she writes him letters about life on the East Coast.  They never forget each other’s birthday.  Last year he sent her some CDs, and she sent him a wallet.  Eric and Susan help each other very often.  Last year he lent her money when she was in the hospital, and she gave him advice when he lost his job.

Eric and Susan like each other very much.  They were always very good friends, and  they still are.

Very good friends:  North and South

Carlos and Maria are our very good friends.  For many years we went to church together, we took vacations together, and our children played together.  Now Carlos and Maria live in Florida, and we still live here in Wisconsin.  Even though we live far apart, we’re still very good friends.

We communicate with each other very often on the Internet.  We send them messages about life about life down south.  We never forget each others’ anniversaries.  Last year we sent them Wisconsin cheese, and they sent us Florida oranges.  We also help each other very often.  Last year we lent them money when they bought a new van, and they gave us advice when we sold our house and moved into a condominium.

We like each other very much.  We were always very good friends, and we still friends.

A very good friend

Do you have a very good friend who lives far away?  Tell about your friendship. 

How do you know each other?
How do you communicate with each other?
(Do you call?  Write?  Send messages?)
What do you talk about or write about?
Do you send each other presents?
Do you help each other?  How

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