miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2020

Idioma Extranjero III,



9th Grade      

English Course

Mrs. Mariela Lucas

August 12th, 2020





Instructions:  Copy this grammar on your notebook, and the exercise write it on paper and attach in the folder with the other guides.


To form the present perfect tense of be with have or has ant the past participle of the verb be


The present perfect tense to talk about an action or situation that started in the past and continues up to the present.


In present perfect tense often is used for and since.  The present perfect to talk about how long the action or situation existed form the past to the present.  For is used to talk about a length of time, and since talk about when a period of time began.





1.  Complete the sentences with FOR or SINCE


1.  Marcos and Yolanda have been married _____________22 years.

2.  They have been at the same address ________________1992.

3.  Yolanda has been a teacher  _______________1990.

4.  Marcos has been a salesman _________________ 25 years.

5.  He has been with the same company _________________1995

6.  Now Marcos is in Texas on a business trip.  He has been there _____________last Monday

7.  Marcos has been on four business trip _______________last June.

8.  It’s Saturday.  Yolanda is at the shopping center.  She has been there _______________10:00

    this morning.  She wants to get a birthday present for her son, Carlos.  He is 16 today.

9.  Yolanda has been busy _________________yesterday.  She wants to prepare for Clark’s Birthday.

10. Right now Clark is at the school gym.  He has been there _______________9:00 this morning. 


2. Underline SINCE or FOR, then complete the sentences with the correct option.


1.  Maya has been a professional singer  ______________since 2001.                            - Since

                                                                                                                                             - For

2. So far, it has rained _____________five hours                                                               - Since

                                                                                                                                             - For

3. Julia has been a secretary ________________since 2000                                            - Since

                                                                                                                                             - For

4.  So far, has snowed _______________ eleven hours.                                                   - Since

                                                                                                                                             - For

5.  I haven’t been snowboarding _____________last winter                                               - Since

                                                                                                                                             - For

6.  Joe has been a student here ____________ March                                                      - Since

                                                                                                                                             - For

7.  The beaver has been an emblem of Canada ___________many years.                      - Since

                                                                                                                                             - For

8.  The cougars have almost disappeared from the Victoria are ___________    

      last decade.                                                                                                                    -                            Since


9.  Mary has kept a diary ___________ she was ten years old.                                         - Since

                                                                                                                                             - For

10.  They’ve been married ______________ twenty-five years.                                         - Since

                                                                                                                                             - For





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